android edittext group

2016年8月7日 - You have to create a layout or in created layout and add EditText's in it. Something like this, //this code in button click EditText edittext = new ...

相關軟體 CudaText 下載

CudaText is a cross-platform text editor that provides an array of plugins to support features such as code snippets, color picker, and macros. The app even comes with a simple module to help in the...

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  • 2016年8月7日 - You have to create a layout or in created layout and add EditText's in it...
    Adding a group of EditText in Android on button click - Stack Overflow
  • I have an edit text that support numeric numbers and has 16 char length and I would like t...
    android - EditText - How to separate characters that ... - Stack Overflow
  • 2014年11月3日 - It's called PinView, here is a link for PinView. They have made custom k...
    android - How to create a group of EditText with aflow between them ...
  • I'm trying to group 3 objects in one view, and then center that view in the parent. My...
    android - how to group 2 edittext's and a button in one ...
  • 2012年1月24日 - You should put the EditTexts and the Button in a RelativeLayout, and center ...
    android - how to group 2 edittext's and a button in one view, and that ...
  • The issue is when you have a ListView or an ExpandableListView with input capable fields t...
    Android ListView with EditText loses focus when the keyboard ...
  • Android's View and ViewGroup classes are base classes for GUI components (View) and la...
    Android View and ViewGroup -
  • Here I am going to explain example for custom grouped edittext for android like an iphone ...
    AndroidDhina: Android example for custom grouped Edittext ...
  • 2011年6月1日 - 写道标题有点大,说是详解,其实就是对EditText的一些常用功能的介绍,包括密码框,电话框,空白提示文字等等的讲解,尽量的介绍详细一点, .....
    Android系列教程之七:EditText使用详解-包含很多教程上看不到的功能 ...
  • 2016年7月25日 - You can try with the code below, it works well : public class MainActivity e...
    Edit text that only allows a given number of digits, and groups them in ...
  • A user interface element for entering and modifying text. When you define an edit text wid...
    EditText | Android Developers
  • 2015年12月12日 - It's easy enough to replace views for other views but converting - I do...
    How to convert a group of TextView to EditText in android without ...
  • Input controls are the interactive components in your app's user interface. Android pr...
    Input Controls | Android Developers
  • I was wondering if there is a way to group EditText in a way that you can only traverse am...
    java - Grouping EditText - Stack Overflow
  • 2014年6月29日 - You can use EditTexts in a Layout (typically a LinearLayout or a RelativeLay...
    layout - Create a group or set of textboxes(edit text) in android ...
  • 2014年5月7日 - You can use String.format class and get format you want.
    user interface - How to add group separator in android EditText ...
  • Thank you for your suggestion. But I found other solution after search, search and search....
    [android-developers] About EditText inputType - Google ...
  • use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submi...
    [Android][Eclipse] How to group editText boxes? : learnprogr ...
  • 分享各種 jQuery 外掛的使用及 jQuery 跑馬燈、廣告輪播及選單等實用的 jQ 範例。另外分享 Android 程式技巧及 OpenCart 購物車修改技巧分享。
    [Android]基本的 Widget 元件介紹 (二) | 男丁格爾's 脫殼玩 ...